Sunday, October 31, 2010

Back-dated (14 Jun) ~ Preparation for Guodailai ( 过大礼)

As per Chinese wedding custom, we have this Guodailai (过大礼)ceremony... meaning "The groom's family will pick a 'good day' and send the bride's family the following bridal gifts: gifts, cash, cakes and food and sacrifices for worshiping the ancestors. This act confirms the marriage agreement between the two families."

mine was set on the 15th of June... well my MIL doesn't really knowing much about the chinese custom, so i have to take care the preparation on my own... (yeah it suppose to be groom's family job)...

self-prepared "hamper" with wedding biscuit, liquor, fruits, money, wedding invitation, marriage auspicious date selection, and other red packet (everything need to come in a pair or even number)

bought this hamper from the auspicious wedding house, some dried "auspicious" food, candy, tea leafes, wedding candle

Chinese Wedding Biscuit x 30 box (2 biscuits each box)

These are all from the groom's family... very simple :p

still need to collect the golden roasted pig before heading to my house :p

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