Monday, June 23, 2008

Tour to Hokkaido ~ Part 2

If you ask me what is the icon or mascot in Hokkaido, i'd say "brown bears". On the second day of tour, we visited Sahoro Bear Mountain, which is located a stone-throw away from the Sahoro Resort Hotel, and next to Club Med Sahoro. There are a total of 18 male brown bears in the Park living in an almost-natural habitat. You can either visit the brown bears by their "cage vehicle" or "treetop walkway"...

From Sahoro we were transferred to Furano. This is one of the most beautiful place in Hokkaido especially in spring/summer time. We were hosted lunch in Furano Resort Orika, the only boutique style hotel in Furano. Mr Kamori, the founder of Kamori Kanko Group joint us for lunch here!!

Furano Resort Orika

18-holes Golf Course

This was the most enjoyable meal ever, delicious French Fusion Cuisine, great scenery, felt like in Switzerland

After the sumptions lunch, we proceed to visit the famous flower farm in Furano - Farm Tomita. In July, this farm will be flooded with Lavendar....

From Furano, headed to Yubari, a township that famous of melon aka honey dew... we were hosted by Hotel Mount Racey, the best hotel in town located at the foot of Mount Racey, another famous ski resort.

Nice scenery along the way

Hotel Mount Racey

After short briefing about the hotel and Yubari town, dinner time haha.

Yumm Yumm

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